About Us


EDUiQ Global Services was established with a small idea that was incepted in the minds of its promoters in the year 2015! We skilfully guide applicants for student visa process to any country they aspire to study.

Why Choose EiGS ?

  • Free study abroad profiling
  • Opportunity study in choice of country and university
  • Expert counselor assistance
  • Personalised approach services
  • Helping students to achieve global dreams


Welcome to immigration Advisory services

EDUiQ Global Services was established with a small idea that was incepted in the minds of its promoters in the year 2015! We skilfully guide applicants for student abroad services to any country they aspire to settle down.

  • Certified Counsellors will assists as per student requirement
0 Certified Teachers
0 Students
0 Courses
0 Awards Won

Student Says About Us

Separated they live in. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country