EDUiQ Global Services was established with a small idea that was incepted in the minds of its promoters in the year 2015! We skilfully guide applicants for student visa process to any country they aspire to study.

Why Choose EiGS ?

  • Free study abroad profiling
  • Opportunity study in choice of country and university
  • Expert counselor assistance
  • Personalised approach services
  • Helping students to achieve global dreams

What We Offer

Career Analysis

  • Psychometric Assessment
  • Personality + EQ Assessment

Career Counselling

  • Better Career Decisions
  • Guidance On Stream & Course Selection
  • Parents Active Involvement

Overseas Higher Education

  • Free Abroad Student Profiling

Universities Shortlisting

  • Assistance in selecting the best-fit universities based on your academic goals and preferences

Application Submissions

  • We streamline the application process, ensuring all required documents are submitted accurately and on time

IELTS Preparation

  • We offer specialized IELTS preparation to help you achieve your desired score and meet language proficiency requirements

SOP Support

  • Our experts provide valuable guidance and support to craft a compelling Statement of Purpose (SOP) that highlights your strengths and aspirations

Visa Support

  • We guide you through the visa application process, helping you navigate the complexities and increase your chances of approval

Dedicated Counselor

  • You'll have a dedicated counselor who will provide personalized guidance and support throughout your educational journey

Overseas Internship

  • US J1 internship for specific Academic Profiles

Countries We Offer

Abroad Study Services


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Recent Blog

Separated they live in. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country

How to choose course selection for higher studies abroad

Consider your interests, career goals, and long-term aspirations. Choose a course that aligns with your passions and future career plans.

Why should we study abroad?

Overall, studying abroad can be a transformative experience that can enrich your life in many ways. It can broaden your horizons, expand your opportunities, and help you become a more well-rounded individual.

How to get scholarships abroad for higher studies?

Start by researching scholarships available for international students in your desired country offered by government agencies, universities, private organizations, and foundations.

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